Four myths of driving with Lyft

1. Drivers with higher ratings get more rides than drivers with lower ratings.

False. Rides are dispatched primarily geography, and demand. However, we do feel drivers who accepts every request that Lyft sends will get more request, then driver who are picky about what rides they accept.


2. Non-rated rides count against a driver’s overall rating

False. Your star rating is based on your pass 100 rated rides.

3. New (first time) riders are automatically paired with higher rated driver

False. However, in the same way true Lyft used to have a practice, where new drivers would be sent ride request first over a driver who hasn’t been driving that long.


4. You have to be available during the busiest times — or peak hours only — to make any money.

False. With Lyft along with Uber you can drive whenever you choose. Now we do highly recommend you drive during the peak hours for that is the best time to make money.

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