How locker pick up works on Instacart

How It Works

  1. Shop and checkout on the Instacart app, selecting a time window during which your order will be available for pick up. Your order will stay in the locker until the store closes.
  2. Arrive at the store, find the outdoor lockers at the front entrance, and open your app to find a special PIN in the dashboard
  3. Tap the screen in the center of the lockers and input your special PIN
  4. LED lights illuminate next to the locker(s) containing your order. Pull open the locker doors to access. If you accidentally close a locker door before you finish collecting your items, don’t worry. Your PIN works for an additional 15 minutes after you first open the locker(s)
  5. Collect your order and carry on living your life!

There are 3 types of pick up lockers: freezer, refrigerator, and room temperature (for shelf-stable foods like cereal) so your cool and frozen items are kept at a safe temperature before you pick them up.


If your entire order shouldn’t fit in available lockers, your app will note such and you can pick it up at a temperature-controlled storage area inside the store. Check your Instacart app (where you found your unique PIN) for additional directions. If you are unable to pick up your order before the hub closes for the night, your order will be returned inside the store, and you will get a refund but charged a $15 fee.

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