How Does It work?
DoorDash connects local consumers and local restaurants with delivery by independent contractors. With Doordash’s innovative merchant focused solutions it will enhance your success by transforming your business.

How Do Customers Place Orders?
Customers place orders on the website or through the app which is available for iOS or Android mobile devices. Once the order is place, you will receive it via your choice of order protocol. There are three types of order protocols you can use email, fax or the orer manager app on a tablet. Also, DoorDash supports multiple Point of Sale providers, and can integrate with your POS system.
How Do Merchants Get Paid
Customers pay DoorDash directly, and our partners receive a weekly direct deposit from DoorDash.

How Do You Receive Orders From DoorDash?
How you receive all depends on your order protocol. You can choose between using the Order Manager app on a tablet, fax, or email. You can also choose to integrate your store through Point of Sale. Along with orders flow directly flow to your register or kitchen.