What is Lyft Assisted Rides?
Lyft’s Assisted rides help riders who want light assistance getting from their pick-up door to their destination door.
Drivers who take these trips and complete them will receive a bonus for each trip.
How To Sign Up For Assisted Rides
- Tap on your earnings at the top of the home screen.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap ‘Earn more with Lyft Assisted rides.’
- Complete the tutorial by the ODO.
- Check the box and tap ‘Give Lyft Assisted rides’ to opt in.
Note: Once you take the course and opt in, you’ll get Assisted ride requests when they’re available.
How Assisted Rides Work For Drivers
- Park.
- Walk to the door to meet the rider.
- Ask how you can assist them.
- Drive them to drop off location.
- Drop them off.
- Note: When you drop them off, ask the riders again how you can assist them to ensure they get to the front door of their destination.
Assistance You May Give Riders
- Providing an arm, elbow, or hand for assisting with stability.
- Opening and closing doors.
- Storing small personal belongings.