How to tip and rate your Uber driver:
After the ride is complete, Uber will give you three options on what to tip your Uber driver can also rate your driver from 1 to 5 stars. Riders do not have to rate their drivers if they don’t want to. However, it helps keep good drivers on the road and bad ones off.

You can also leave them a thank-you note and give them compliments which consist of different badges you can choose from (Neat and Tidy, Excellent Service, Above and Beyond, Awesome Music, Cool Car, Entertaining Driver, Expert Navigation, Great Amenities, and Late Night Hero.
How to tip and rate your Lyft driver
After the ride is complete, Lyft will give you four options on what to tip your driver or you can enter your own amount by pressing the three dots. You can also rate your driver from 1 to 5 stars. Riders do not have to rate their drivers if they don’t want to. However, it helps keep good drivers on the road and bad ones off.
If you give a driver three stars or lower, you will never be paired with them again. You can also choose from four options on what they did good and leave them a comment.