Uber and Lyft should make their driver’s employees instead of independent contractors. Sounds great right? However, this would take away some of the things most drivers love about driving for Uber and Lyft. Like the freedom to be able to drive whenever or as much/little as they want.
It is also understandable why there are drivers that want to become employees. For most of the drivers that are pushing for this drive full-time and Uber and Lyft are their only source for income.

See if Uber and Lyft drivers become employees, there would most likely be more part-time drivers becoming full-time ones.
Below is a list of the good and bad of what could happen if Uber and Lyft where to make drivers employees.
The Good
- Hourly wage.
- Health benefits, sick pay, 401k.
- Company’s pay for maintenance of car.
- Company’s pay for gas.
- Rider complaints would possibly be taken more seriously.

The Bad
- Instead of being able to go online whenever they wanted, drivers could be given a set schedule and/or specific times they have to drive. Also, would only be allowed to drive for one company.
- Surge pricing would most likely go away.
- Higher standards expected with ratings, car type (year, make and model) certain cars could be not allowed on the platform.
- Rental program would most likely disappear.
- The extra costs would trickle down to drivers. This would result in fewer profits and therefore less income.